Research governance and integrity at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
All Baker Institute researchers are required to foster and maintain a research environment of intellectual honesty and integrity, and scholarly and scientific rigour. They are required to adhere to all relevant codes of practice that apply to their work as well as the Institute's values.
The Institute supports the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 and expects its staff to be aware of and comply with the requirements of the Code. The Code promotes integrity in research and explains what is expected of researchers by the community. Compliance with the Code is a prerequisite for receipt of NHMRC and ARC funding.
In support of the Code and in promotion of best practice research, the Baker Institute has . policies for all research staff and students. Researchers are expected to be familiar with the Code and the Institute's policies.
Our policies are designed to support a culture that demonstrates the 8 Principles that are hallmarks of responsible research conduct:
- honesty
- rigour
- transparency
- fairness
- respect
- recognition
- accountability
- promotion.
In support of these principles, we are continually reviewing and improving our processes to ensure the highest standards of research conduct.
To contact us regarding research integrity matters, please email
Human Research Governance
Our governance processes are designed to ensure the highest standards of research conduct already exercised by the Institute's researchers are universally maintained, and that the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute remains a leader in clinical research relating to cardiovascular disease and diabetes Baker Institute Human Research Governance (HRG) is responsible for:
- ensuring compliance with legislation, regulations, codes of practices and Institutional policies and procedures
- developing policies and procedures for the conduct of human research at the Institute
- site specific review and authorisation of human research conducted at the Institute
- facilitating legal agreements relating to human research
- providing human research induction for all researchers
- providing and facilitating access to ongoing researcher training
- post authorisation monitoring of human research.
To contact us about conducting human research at the Institute, please email