The Baker Institute and La Trobe University have established several research collaborations in the areas of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
These collaborations build on the complementary research strengths of both organisations, including La Trobe University’s Centre for Cardiovascular Biology and Disease Research.
One of the collaborations includes the two organisations spearheading a world-first, population-based study to advance the understanding of the progression of diabetic complications in people with type 2 diabetes. The collaborative study, which also involves Monash University, Centre for Eye Research Australia and Deakin University, will continue to study participants for the next five to 10 years to track the development of any complications of their diabetes.
The Institute and La Trobe University have several co-appointed research staff, and several Baker Institute researchers have honorary appointments at La Trobe University, College of Science, Health and Engineering. Baker Institute staff co-supervise Honours and PhD students enrolled through La Trobe University, and the organisations co-fund joint PhD scholarships to further build on our collaborative ties.