Our clinics are a one-stop shop for complete patient care, diagnosis and advice.
Helping people manage their cardiovascular disease. This includes our state-of-the-art Echocardiology services.
Practical group workshops that teach essential skills for effective diabetes management
One of the largest and most diverse diabetes services in Australia
Our experienced, credentialled diabetes nurse educators provide a variety of services
Our accredited practising dietitians provide nutrition information and education
Exercise, lifestyle and behavioural modification programs for the rehabilitation, prevention and management of chronic diseases
Education sessions designed for people who are managing their type 1 diabetes on basal bolus insulin therapy
Arrange appointments with our Diabetes Educators and Dietitians, and receive weekly email contact for the duration of your pregnancy
Our experienced team are at the forefront of education for insulin pump therapy
Screening for diabetic eye disease and treatment of the common complications of diabetes
Managing the interactions of sleep apnoea with diabetes, heart failure, obesity and hypertension
Specialist treatment of chronic weight problem
Browse a list of our clinic staff
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Directions and information on attending our clinics
Help researchers improve diagnosis and treatment
Informative research-based materials
With the rising number of Australians affected by diabetes, heart disease and stroke, the need for research is more critical than ever.