The Institute’s partnership with Deakin University focuses on shared research expertise in the areas of diabetes and cardiovascular risk and control, physical activity and sedentary behaviour
In particular, the Institute and Deakin University’s Faculty of Health are interested in the role of biostatistics, health economics, research into physical activity and nutrition, and health services research in improving the health of the community.
Deakin University’s Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research, which specialises in developing and implementing evidence for nursing practice to enhance the quality and safety of health care delivery, has a node that is co-located with the Baker Institute on the Alfred Hospital Medical Research and Education Precinct.
The two organisations also have a range of research collaborations in areas of mutual interest. Many Baker Institute researchers have honorary appointments at Deakin University and co-supervise Honours and PhD students enrolled through Deakin University. The Institute and Deakin University also offer joint PhD scholarships to medical, allied health and scientific graduates seeking careers in medical research.