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Clinical Diabetes and Epidemiology

Research to improve population health

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Laboratory head

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Latest Achievements

Australian Diabetes Society Kellion Award (2018)

Jeff Flack Diabetes Data Award (2015)

International Diabetes Epidemiology Group Peter Bennett Award (2011)

President of the International Diabetes Epidemiology Group (2009–2011)

Global Novartis Diabetes Award (for research) (2006)

Read full biography
Professor Jonathan Shaw Consultant Physician
We aim to understand why and how diabetes is affecting population health, and to use this to improve population health.


Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr Lei Chen Dr Kanika Mehta Dr Anne Reutens Dr Julian Sacre

Research coordinators

David Bourton Nicholas Johnson Zoe Lai Maria Lawton Krisha Thakor Robyn Veljanovski Elena Vulikh


Berhanu Feleke Forough Sajjadi


About Clinical Diabetes and Epidemiology

The Clinical Diabetes and Epidemiology group has two main focuses. The first relates to the epidemiology of type 2 diabetes, examining trends in prevalence and incidence of diabetes (predominantly type 2) in Australia as well as the rest of the world. The work in this area, pioneered by Professor Paul Zimmet, has been instrumental in demonstrating the rapid growth of the emerging global diabetes epidemic. The surveys undertaken for this work also provide rich data for interrogating a range of putative and novel risk factors for diabetes and its complications, of which lifestyle factors have been studied extensively and remain an important target. The group also has a specific interest in the impact of diabetes on indigenous populations. The second focus capitalises on the large patient population in our Diabetes Clinic. This facilitates examination of novel treatments, and of observational data on real world responses to therapies.

Research focus

  • Trends in diabetes prevalence and incidence.
  • Identifying novel risk factors for type 2 diabetes and its complications at a population level.
  • Diabetes and indigenous health.
  • Novel therapies for diabetes.

Support us

With the rising number of Australians affected by diabetes, heart disease and stroke, the need for research is more critical than ever.

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