Professor Garry Jennings AO

Professor Garry Jennings AO the Director and CEO of the Baker Institute from 2001–15. He is presently Life Governor of the Institute and a cardiologist attending the Baker Clinics. He is Chief Medical Advisor of the Heart Foundation.
His previous positions include Executive Director of Sydney Health Partners, head of Cardiology and Chair Division of Medicine of the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne and National CEO of the Heart Foundation. He serves on several public and private Boards, Trusts, and Foundations and is Deputy Chair of the Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum. He has been President of national and international scientific societies and of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI). He is Associate Editor of Hypertension, the highest ranked journal in the field.
A cardiologist, over 700 of his publications have been cited more than 40,000 times on subjects ranging from prevention, pathophysiology, and treatment of cardiovascular disease to First Nations health and health policy.