Dr Matthew (Matt) Cohen
MBBS(Hons), Monash University | FRACP

Dr Cohen has been specialising in diabetes care and education since 1980. After a career involving teaching and research, he is now exclusively in private practice at the Baker Institute, seeing adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Matthew is the author of 59 publications, including Diabetes - a Handbook of Diabetes Management, now in its’ 8th edition, and his most recent booklet FlexIT – flexible insulin therapy.
Inaugural Director of Medical Services at the International Diabetes Institute (now the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute) from 1986–2007.
Pioneered the introduction of self-blood glucose monitoring in Australia, and developed a wide range of educational and professional resources, including a postgraduate training program for general practitioners. Matthew has a keen interest in the application of IT to diabetes care, and produced the original International Diabetes Website.