29 March 2023
Institute news

We are delighted to launch the second aMoon Innovation Fellowship program, our entrepreneurship and commercialisation course aimed at early to mid-career scientists.
This year, we will be joined by researchers from six other Victorian medical research institutes.
This nine-week program, which starts today, will take researchers through various facets of a research project that would be of interest to a company or investor before they agree to partner or invest.
The program is led by Israeli entrepreneur and a key player at global Healthtech and Lifesciences Investment Fund, aMoon, Dr Yaron Daniely.
Prior to aMoon, Dr Daniely was President and CEO of Yissum, Hebrew University’s acclaimed Technology Transfer Company, and Co-Chairperson of the Israel Technology Transfer Network, where he converted research into products and technologies. He also spent 14 years as a senior exec of private and NASDAQ-traded biopharma and biotech companies.
Last night, we hosted a Reception for Dr Daniely at the Institute to meet more of our biotech and scientific leaders, including representatives from Biocurate, Brandon Capital, Breakthrough Victoria, VicAAMRI and more.
Executive General Manager of Commercialisation, Dr Guy Krippner said the program aimed to enhance the capabilities of scientists to identify, develop and promote their research to potential investors.
“We can learn a lot from our colleagues in Israel, which boasts a successful innovation ecosystem,” Dr Krippner said.
The Baker Institute has been collaborating with Israeli scientists for some years now and we have established important relationships with organisations including the Sheba Medical Center, Hadassah Medical Center and The Technion. This latest initiative aims to further strengthen those ties, and to enhance our commercialisation capabilities.