Nabilatun Nisa
BSc, Airlangga University | MSc, Airlangga University

I completed my bachelors and master’s in science at Airlangga University (Indonesia) focusing on health science. My prior study research focusing on exploration the potential of Indonesia's natural resources in treating various diseases. During my master’s under Prof. Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih’s supervision, I reveal the potentials of red okra extract to inhibit cervical cancer cells growth through cell cycle-associated oncogenes. After graduating, I worked as a research assistant under the supervision of Dr Yuliasih with the main topic of clinical and genetic analysis of patients with autoimmune.
I am currently pursuing a PhD in the Metabolomics laboratory at Baker Heart and Diabetes Research Institute under the Professor Peter Meikle’s supervision. My projects focus on the lipidomics analysis of breast milk in supporting individual growth and development in early life.