Natasha Patel
BBiomed, La Trobe University

Natasha Patel completed her Bachelor of Biomedicine at La Trobe University, focusing on biochemistry and genetics, and industry placement. Throughout her degree, Natasha enjoyed mentoring regional high school students on studying STEM and enhancing student experiences within La Trobe University. Natasha has gained research exposure through an industry placement at La Trobe Institute of Molecular Science (2024), and as a research intern at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Research Institute (2025). For these placements, Natasha covered research experience across basic and applied science in genetic and protein-based technologies.
In 2025, Natasha was offered placement in the Molecular Proteomics laboratory as an Honours student. Her project investigates the early-phase signalling associated with cardiac ischemic-reperfusion injury during a myocardial infarction. Employing developments in Phosphoproteomics and functional kinase inhibitor assay screens, her project will identify the dynamics of phosphorylation in cells and the heart associated with early-phase pathological cardiac remodelling towards identifying potential molecular and therapeutic targets for intervention and protection against ischemic and reperfusion injury.