Owen Taylor
BSc | MSc

I am currently undertaking a PhD in Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge, supervised by Dr Angela Wood. As part my PhD, was accepted to work at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute for a 6-months student internship.
I have a specific interest in using both big data and qualitative research methods to better understand how to tailor communication of risk to different populations with the aim of reducing health inequalities within shared decision making. Whilst working at the Baker Institute, I have been conducting a qualitative research project called COMmunicating CArdiovascular disease Risk with people with and without DIabetes (COMCARDI) with populations who may be commonly missed from research and healthcare professionals. I am also leading a systematic review of studies that aimed to optimise or evaluate visual risk communication presentations for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Alongside my PhD and internship at the Baker, I have been undertaking courses in UX and UI design. I am interested in better understanding and gaining skills relating to website and mobile design, to combine these learnings to further achieve my PhD focusses.