Dr Radhika Arunkumar
BSc (Biotechnology) | MSc (Bio nanotechnology) | PhD, RMIT University

Research Program Manager
radhika.arunkumar@baker.edu.auDr Radhika Arunkumar is a research specialist in multi-disciplinary collaborative projects in the areas of health technologies and wearable devices. Her interests are on actively partnering with industry and cross disciplinary collaborators to bring research out of the lab to benefit the healthcare system. She has years of experience in piloting ideas, building prototype and a strong background in technology including user research, user testing, concept development, high fidelity prototypes of both web and mobile application. Radhika is also the Research Program Manager for the Centre for Research Excellence in Digital Technology to Transform Chronic Disease Outcomes and Implementation Science located at the Baker Department of Cardiovascular Research, Translation, and Implementation.