Ruth Grigg
B AppSci | BSci(Hon)
Ruth is Project Manager of the OPTIMISE Your Health study, having oversight of the research protocol and responsible for the trial logistics. She is also the Program Manager for the Physical Activity laboratory. She is involved in many facets of the day to day running of the laboratory. Her undergraduate studies were in Medical Biotechnology and her postgraduate work was in Molecular Biology at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, looking at tyrosine truncations and mutations in human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor.
Prior to her commencement at the Baker Institute she worked for a number of years at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute researching immunotherapies for Colon Cancer and during that time was involved with the Australian Society for Medical Research as its Public Relations Officer. Ruth then worked with Millipore Australia as its Molecular Biology Applications Specialist, and also completed further study in editing and proofreading of scientific manuscripts.