Michelle Cinel

I started work at the Baker Institute in 1988 as an animal technician in Alex Bobik’s Cell Biology lab. I was involved in maintaining the animal colony and became proficient in many laboratory tasks including cell signalling, western blotting, tissue culture and also managed the tissue culture laboratory for just over 9 years.
From there I established and ran the DNA Sequencing Facility at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute for 15 years under the guidance of Zig Krozowski, then worked in the laboratories of Wally Thomas, Jaye Chin-Dusting and Jeremy Jowett while continuing the DNA Sequencing Facility.
I have since established myself in the Metabolomics laboratory since 2011 under Professor Peter Meikle. I have continued to adapt and change my role as necessary for the laboratory and am now the Laboratory Manager/Administration for the Metabolomics lab.