Teleah Belkin
AssocDeg(AppSc) | BBiomedSc(Lab Med), RMIT University | BBiomed(Hons), The University of Melbourne

In 2022, Teleah completed her Bachelor of Biomedicine (Honours) under the supervision of Dr Yow Keat Tham and Professor Julie McMullen in the Cardiac Hypertrophy laboratory at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. Her research focused on modulating plasmalogen levels in the heart via dietary supplementation to restore cardiac function and pathology in a preclinical model of dilated cardiomyopathy. Her project also focused on investigating the lipidomic changes during the progression of atrial fibrillation (AF) to identify potential lipid biomarkers for the early detection of AF.
Currently, Teleah is undertaking her PhD in the Metabolomics laboratory at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute under the supervision of Professor Julie McMullen, Dr Yow Keat Tham and Dr Amanda Edgley. Her research focuses on understanding the regulatory role of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K) in cancer and cardiovascular health, specifically investigating the impact of reduced PI3K signalling on cardiac fibrosis and extracellular vesicle dynamics, alongside its regulation of lipid signalling in breast cancer patients undergoing anthracycline treatment and exercise.
This work will contribute to identifying mechanisms between cancer treatment and cardiovascular health and support the development of lipid-modulating therapies to treat cardiovascular disease.