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Dr Kevin Huynh

PhD | BSc(Hons), University of Melbourne

Dr Kevin Huynh

Group Leader: Metabolomics

NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow

+61 3 8532 1537

Dr Huynh is a Group Leader in the Metabolomics laboratory at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. He currently holds a NHMRC EL1 Investigator fellowship and has positions in both the Baker Department of Cardiovascular Research, Translation and Implementation (La Trobe University) and the Baker Department of Cardiometabolic Health (University of Melbourne). He joined the Metabolomics lab as a research assistant in 2012 and later completed his PhD in the same group in 2019 (Monash University). During his PhD, Dr Huynh developed and published a comprehensive lipidomics approach that enables profiling a broad range of lipid metabolites in human plasma at high throughput. This platform was subsequently used to characterise lipid signatures associated with Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes.

Dr Huynh’s current research focuses on the utilisation and develop of mass spectrometry approaches to investigate the role of lipids in cardiometabolic diseases. His work involves the progressive development and maintenance of the current lipidomics platform within the laboratory. In 2021, Dr Huynh was awarded a NHMRC EL1 investigator grant to continue his research in understanding lipid metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease using peripheral immune cells in large cohort studies. In 2023, Dr Huynh was awarded an ARC discovery project grant to develop novel high-throughput approaches in lipidomic analysis to better understand regulators of human lipid metabolism.


  • ARC Discovery Project grant — CIA (2023–2025)
  • NHMRC EL1 Investigator grant (2021–2025)
  • Invited Presentation (Workshop): Development of targeted lipidomics platform and application to population cohorts to research cardiometabolic risk. (17th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society), Online (2021)
  • Invited to talk at the Lipidomics: Path to Clinical Utility Workshop (ASMS) in Atlanta, USA (2019)
  • Invited to talk at the Clinical translation with large cohort studies, Metabolomics workshop in Queensland, Australia (2017)


  • Sir Laurence Muir Prize, Baker Institute (2021)
  • John Funder Award, Best ECS oral presentation prize, Baker institute (2021)
  • Student Speaker Award, 23rd Lorne Proteomics Symposium (2018)
  • Rod Andrew Award, Baker institute (2017)
  • Alzheimer’s Australia Dementia Research Foundation postgraduate scholarship (2016)

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